601.229 (F19): Final exam review problems

This page has final exam review problems on network communication and threads.

Problem 1)

What system call(s) would be used to create a server socket?

What system call(s) would be used by a server to wait for a network connection from a client?

What system call(s) would be used by a client to initiate a connection to a server?

What system call would be used to read data from a socket?

What system call would be used to write data to a socket?

Briefly explain why IP is an unreliable protocol, in the sense that an IP datagram sent might not reach its destination.

Briefly explain why a TCP connection might be abruptly terminated without without either peer explicitly closing the connection.

Problem 2)

State one advantage and one disadvantage of using processes for concurrency.

State one advantage and one disadvantage of using threads for concurrency.

Briefly explain why server programs typically require some form of concurrency in their implementation.

Problem 3)

The following queue implementation uses a singly-linked list as the underlying data structure. Assume that we would like to allow multiple threads to use a single Queue instance by calling the q_enqueue and q_dequeue functions. Show what modifications need to be made to the data types and/or functions in order to allow multiple threads to enqueue and dequeue items safely.

Note: you may assume that q_destroy will only be called once there are no longer any threads using the Queue.

typedef struct Node_ {
  int val;
  struct Node_ *next;
} Node;

typedef struct {
  Node *head, *tail;
} Queue;

Queue *q_create(void) {
  Queue *q = malloc(sizeof(Queue));
  q->head = q->tail = NULL;
  return q;

void q_destroy(Queue *q) {
  Node *n = q->head;
  while (n != NULL) { /* delete remaining nodes */
    Node *d = n;
    n = n->next;

void q_enqueue(Queue *q, int val) {
  Node *n = malloc(sizeof(Node));
  n->val = val;
  n->next = NULL;
  if (q->tail == NULL) {
    q->head = q->tail = n; /* add to empty queue */
  } else {
    q->tail->next = n;
    q->tail = n;

/* Returns -1 if queue is empty */
int q_dequeue(Queue *q) {
  if (q->head == NULL) { return -1; }
  Node *n = q->head;
  int result = n->val;
  q->head = n->next;
  if (q->head == NULL) {
    q->tail = NULL; /* queue became empty */
  return result;

Problem 4)

In a computation, 90% of the computation can be parallelized perfectly (using as many processors as are available), while 10% of the computation is inherently sequential, and can only be executed on a single processor.

What is the best speedup we can expect from parallelizing this computation? Note that a speedup of 5 means that the parallel computation is 5 times faster (completes in 1/5 the time) compared to a sequential computation.