601.229 (F23): Assignment 5: Chat Server

Note: Assignment 5 is a double assignment. Each milestone (MS1 and MS2) is worth 1/6 of the assignments grade for the course, the same as (individually) Assignments 1–4.


You may use your late hours as usual on each milestone. Please let us know if you are planning to use more than 48 late hours on a milestone.

Update 11/29: Extended MS1 due date by 1 day because the automated testing scripts for the client programs had an incompatibility with the version of nc (netcat) currently installed on the ugrad systems. You can download them again to get the fixed versions.

Update 12/8: Corrected language suggesting that a server receiver thread needs to handle “quit” messages.

Grading Criteria

Milestone 1:

Milestone 2:

Table of contents


Download csf_assign05.zip and unzip it.

In this assignment, you will develop a chat client program that communicates synchronously with a server in real-time. You may think of this as an implementation inspired by classical chat systems such as IRC.

Note: We highly recommend that you use C++ for this assignment. The provided skeleton code includes partially implemented classes which we encourage you to use as the basis for your client and server implementations.

Goals of the assignment

The main goal of the assignment is to provide an opportunity to create a network application.

Although this will be a relatively simple program, it is representative of a larger class of network-enabled systems:


Here is an example chat session with two different senders and three receivers, all connected to the same server:

(thanks asciinema for the wonderful terminal recording widget!)

The Protocol

The client and server communicate by exchanging a series of messages over a TCP connection. There are two kinds of clients: a receiver which is used to only read messages from the server, and a sender that is used to send messages to the server. To allow multiple groups of people to talk independently, the server partitions clients into “rooms”. All receivers in the same room will receive that same set of message, and all senders in the same room will broadcast to the same receivers.

A message is an ASCII-encoded transmission with the following format:


A message is subject to the following restrictions:

The first message sent to the server by a client is considered a login message, and must have one of the following tags:

These commands allow the client to log in to the server with the specified usernames. slogin is for a sender, and rlogin is for a receiver. A receiver terminates its connection by simply closing its socket. The server will automatically detect when this happens by looking a send failure on the next message sent to the client.

If a client logs in with slogin, from that point forwards, it is a synchronous protocol. The client sends a message, and the server sends a response, indicating the status of the request.

The following message types are defined:

Tag Sent by Payload content/format Description
err server message_text client’s request was not carried out.
ok server message_text client’s request ran to completion.
delivery server room:sender:message_text a delivery of a received message to a receiver.
slogin sender username log in as sender.
rlogin receiver username log in as receiver.
join sender/receiver room_name client wants to join specified room (which will be created as necessary). Client leaves the current room if applicable.
leave sender [ignored] the sender sends this command to leave the chat room they are currently in
sendall sender message_text send a message to all users in room
quit sender [ignored] client is done, server will close the connection.

You may have the following assumptions about the usernames and room names we test your programs on:

The reference server implementation will reject operations in which the username and/or room name do not meet these criteria.

Assignment skeleton

We have included a reasonably comprehensive assignment skeleton in the starter code to help you factor your design into manageable parts. You are free to change any part of the design, up to and including writing your assignment from scratch, so long as your program follows all semantics of the reference executables.

If you elect to change the skeleton code or the Makefile, ensure that you build executables with the sames names. Exercise extreme caution if you change our synchronization architecture to avoid introducing issues.

Here is a description of the files included in the starter code:

Milestone 1: The clients

For the first part of this assignment, you will be responsible for implementing the receiver and the sender to communicate with a server binary included in the starter code. Note that the following messages are considered unused and do not need to be handled by any client:


The receiver will be run in the following manner from the terminal:

./receiver [server_address] [port] [username] [room]

The receiver must send the rlogin message as its first message to the server. The following sequence diagram has been provided for your reference (note that this only covers the “happy case”):

Receiver communication flow diagram

The receiver should print received messages to stdout in the following format:

[username of sender]: [message text]

The following messages must be handled:

If the server returns err for either the rlogin or join message, the receiver must print the error payload to stderr/cerr and exit with a non-zero exit code. The receiver does not need to exit cleanly, we expect it to terminate it by sending it a SIGINT (a.k.a. <ctrl>+c).


Run the sender using the following command:

./sender [server_address] [port] [username]

The sender must send the slogin message as its first message to the server. The following communication flow has been provided for your reference (note that this only covers the “happy case”):

Sender communication flow diagram

The following messages must be handled:

After the sender logs into the server, it should read stdin for messages and commands. Commands start with the / character and may be one of the following:

You may assume that all command arguments are valid if the command matches a recognized command.

The client must listen for a response from the server after sending each message (synchronous protocol). It is okay to stop reading user input during this time. If the server returns err in response to the slogin request, the sender should print the error payload to stderr/cerr and exit with a non-zero exit code. If the server returns err for any other request, the sender should print the error payload to stderr/cerr and continue processing user input.

If the quit commend is issued, the sender must wait for a reply from the server before exiting with exit code 0.

Error Handling

The following diagram summarizes how errors should be handled:

Error communication flow diagram

Each error message must be exactly one line of text printed to stderr/cerr. The error text printed must be exactly the payload returned from the server in the err message. You may assume that this payload will always be correctly formatted. For client-side errors, you may choose any error string.

You must handle failures to open the TCP communication socket by printing an informative error message and exiting with a non-zero exit code. You may assume that the server will stay online for the entire duration of the chat session.

If a client is run with an invalid number of arguments, a descriptive usage message should be printed to stderr indicating how the program should be invoked.

Implementation Tips

You are free to use any functions in the provided csapp.h header. In particular, we recommend that you use the rio_* family of functions for writing to the TCP socket file descriptors instead of using the raw syscalls. TCP connections have significant latency that requires reads and writes to be buffered correctly for expected behaviour. Remember that rio_readlineb does not strip the newline characters.

To open the client connection to the server, we recommend using the int open_clientfd(char* hostname, char* port) function. This function accepts a hostname (server address) as a string and the desired port as a string, and returns a file descriptor that is ready for use with the rio_* family of functions.


To aid your testing your program, we have provided a sample server implementation as a Linux binary in the starter code (see the Reference implementation section below.) We have intentionally compiled it without debugging information and stripped it of symbols. If your clients are implemented correctly, you should be able to type in a message and see the message appear on all read clients in the same chat-room. You may run our server binary using the following command:

./reference/ref-server [port number]

where [port number] is any integer greater than 1024. If the server fails to open on the given port, try another one. You must specify the same port between all clients and the server.

Note that you might need to set execute permission on the executable before running it:

chmod a+x reference/ref-server

We have only tested the binary on the Ugrad systems, and do not guarantee that it will work anywhere else. It definitely will not work on Mac computers, but may work on certain versions of WSL2.

You can also test one client at a time by using netcat as follows:

nc localhost [portnumber]

You can also spawn a netcat “server” using the following commands:

nc -l <port>

where port is a number greater or equal to 1024. You would then type in the server responses yourself in the netcat terminal window after you get a client connected to the “server” following the sequence diagrams above.

You can then pretend to be a receiver by sending a rlogin request:

sendall:Message for everyone!

Or you can pretend to be a sender by sending a slogin request:

<messages will appear here as they are sent to the room "cafe">

Do not Valgrind netcat as that will not be testing your program, and may generate false positives. You should ensure that you run Valgrind directly on the client executables (e.g. valgrind ./receiver ...).

We have recorded a screencast which demonstrates several testing scenarios using combinations of the reference server, your clients, your server, and netcat:


We also have a recording of a terminal session where we demonstrate some of these manual testing workflows:

Automated testing

You can obtain the automated test scripts here:

Download them on in the terminal using wget [link] while you are in the same directory your project is in. Don’t forget to make them executable after downloading them using chmod u+x [file].

test_receiver.sh is invoked as follows:

./test_receiver.sh [port] [sender_client] [room] [server_in_file] [output_stem]

and test_sender.sh is invoked as follows:

./test_sender.sh [port] [sender_client] [client_in_file] [server_in_file] [output_stem]

Note that test_sender.sh exits with the exit code the client exited with, so you can verify that your client exited with the correct exit code by running echo $? immediately after running the test script.

The arguments are:

While we highly encourage you to come up with your own test inputs, we have provided the following test inputs for reference:

You can run the example receiver test using:

./test_receiver.sh 12345 receiver partytime test_receiver_server.in receiver_test

and you should verify that receiver_test-client.err is empty, that receiver_test-client.out contains exactly:

bob: hi alice
robert_de_bobert: I have the cookies.
bob: cookies?

and that receiver_test-received contains exactly:


You can run the example sender test using:

./test_sender.sh 12346 sender test_sender_client.in test_sender_server.in sender_test

and you should verify that sender_test-client.err is empty, and that sender_test-received contains exactly:

sendall:Hello World!
sendall:get me 1 coffee

With the exception of the payload to quit (it can be any text).

Milestone 2: The server

For this part of the assignment, you will be responsible for implementing the server. The server is responsible for accepting messages from senders and broadcasting them to all receivers in the same room.

The server can be run using the following command:

./server [port]

where [port] specifies the port that the server should listen on.


Here is a suggested order of implementation:

Using threads for client connections

Your server applications will to handle connections from multiple clients simultaneously in order to be useful (after all, it is quite sad to only be able to chat with oneself). Threads are a useful mechanism for handling multiple client connections because they allow the code that communicates with each client to run concurrently.

In your main server loop (Server::handle_client_requests() if you are following our scaffolding), you should create a thread for each accepted client connection using pthread_create(). A struct should be created to pass the Connection object and other required data to the client thread using the aux parameter of pthread_create(), and worker() should be used as the entrypoint for the thread. It may also be a good idea to create a User object in each client thread to track the pending messages, and register it to a Room when the client sends a join request.

You can test that your server handles more than one connection correctly by spawning multiple receivers and senders on the same server, and checking that the messages sent from all senders get correctly delivered to all receivers.

Receiver and sender loops

We recommend that you separate the communication loops for the senders and receivers into the chat_with_sender() and chat_with_receiver() functions respectively. Please refer to the sequence diagrams in Part 1 to determine how the loops should be implemented.

We have already handled the SIGPIPE signal for you in our provided server main function, so you should be able to detect partial reads by matching the return value of rio_* against the size of the message transmitted. If they do not match, you may assume that a transmission error has occurred and should handle it as an error.

For all synchronous messages, you must ensure that the server always transmits some kind of response (err for error, ok for success) to receive full credit. Failure to transmit a response to a synchronous message will cause the client to hang.

In the receiver loop, you must terminate the loop and tear down the client thread if any message transmission fails. For the sender loop, you must terminate the loop and tear down the client thread if any message fails to send, as there is no other way to detect a client disconnect. Be sure that you clean up any datastructures and entries specific to the client before terminating the thread to prevent resource leaks.

Broadcasting messages to receivers

We recommend that you implement the pub/sub pattern for synchronization, using the MessageQueue class we outlined for you. In this pattern, a sending thread iterates through all the Users in a room and pushes a message into each MessageQueue. This event wakes up the receiver thread, allowing it to dequeue the messages at its leisure. Here is a diagram of how this could work:

Room broadcast

Queues are a useful paradigm because they allow messages to be processed at a different rate than we they are transmitted . If we had to wait for all messages to finish sending before releasing the lock on the room, we could end up spending all of our time servicing send requests, which would deadlock the server.

To implement this “notification” behaviour, we recommend that you use a combination of a semaphore and a lock. The lock ensures that the message queue can only be modified by one thread at a time, and the semaphore is used to “notify” the other end that a new message is available. Recall that a semaphore blocks a thread when it goes below zero, and can be incremented (sem_post) and decremented (sem_wait, sem_timedwait) from different threads. Thus, we can essentially use the semaphore in each MessageQueue as a sort of “smart” counter of the available messages in the queue. This implements the correct behaviour: if there are no messages available, we want the receiver to sleep until there are available messages, and each time a message is sent, it reduces the available messages by one.

The sender client thread may return a response to the sender as soon as the message is done being added to all MessageQueues. It does not need to wait until the message has actually been delivered to all of the receivers in the room, but it should not return a status until the message is done being enqueued.

Important: Remember that stack allocated data is thread local and must not be shared between threads. Since the MessageQueue is being used as an inter-thread communication primitive, you must ensure that messages pushed to the queue are always heap-allocated (e.g. allocated using new). Likewise, ensure that the dequeuing thread takes responsibility for freeing the memory. Finally, don’t forget to empty the queue (i.e. free all queued messages) when the queue is destroyed to prevent memory leaks when a receiver disconnects before all messages could be delivered to it (consider where this happens carefully to implement the correct synchronization).

Note: While we recommend sem_timedwait() in the starter code, sem_wait() is also acceptable for simplicity (i.e. you may safely ignore ts). (Using sem_timedwait() has the advantage that the thread handling a connection with a receiver will not be blocked indefinitely if there are no messages waiting to be delivered to that receiver.)

Synchronizing shared data

Synchronization is typically necessary when multiple threads can attempt to access the same data in a hazardous manner at the same time. Synchronization may also be necessary if certain semantics are desired of accessed to shared data (e.g. guaranteed ordering).

Strictly speaking, if the data type is atomic, read accesses need not be synchronized so long as they can never occur at the same time as a write. However, for this assignment, we are not using atomic types, so you will need to synchronize all concurrent access.

The section of code where synchronized access to data is imposed is called a “critical section”, and should be limited in length as concurrency is greatly restricted in these sections. Making critical sections too long can potentially cripple performance in real-world applications.

Add synchronization to the Server, MessageQueue, and Room objects to ensure that updates to these objects will never be lost, not matter how the objects are accessed. For example, if multiple clients try connect to the server at the same time, both clients must be registered correctly, without losing either one. Likewise, if two clients try join a room or send a chat at the same time, both requests must be successfully carried out, with neither operation “lost” or partially completed.

In a more practical sense, you may want to introduce a mutex to the Server, Room and MessageQueue objects, and then add critical section(s) where needed to ensure that the synchronization requirements are met. Very important: You should not allow critical sections to be accessed across object boundaries to prevent synchronization bugs. For example, if you implement a mutex in the Room class, you should make it private and only synchronize to it from Room methods.

Consider your synchronization hazards carefully! There are a few cases that may cause data races that are not immediately obvious (e.g. you must ensure that clients never broadcast and join/leave the room at the same time to prevent races).

Guard locks

To help ensure that locks are always released, we have provided a “block scoped lock” implementing the “Resource Acquisition Is Initialization” (RAII) pattern in guard.h. This means that constructing the Guard object blocks until the lock is acquired, and allowing it to go out of scope releases the lock. If you need the lock to be held for a shorter scope than the entire enclosing block, you can introduce additional scoped blocks:

void foo(pthread_mutex_t *lock) {
    // introduce new block scope
        // Aquire lock, blocks thread until lock becomes available
        // do something with the lock held
        // invariant upheld: only one thread may enter this section at a time.
    // lock is RELEASED here, and threads will be concurrent

We highly recommend that you use Guard objects instead of raw calls to pthread_mutex_lock() and pthread_mutex_unlock(), as the block scoping ensures that you will never forget to release the lock. This prevents a vast class of possible deadlocks. Remember that pthread_mutex_init must be called exactly once on each mutex before it can be used.

Synchronization report

Since synchronization is an important part of this assignment, we’d like you to support a report on your synchronization in your README.txt. Please include where your critical sections are, how you determined them, and why you chose the synchronization primitives for each section. You should also explain how your critical sections ensure that the synchronization requirements are met without introducing synchronization hazards (e.g. race conditions and deadlocks).

Error Handling

If the server fails to bind the listen TCP socket for any reason on the host, you must print an error message to stderr and return a non-zero return code. Once the server binds the port and starts listening for clients, it does not need to handle shutting itself down.

We expect your server to be robust. This means no matter what any client sends, in any order, your server should not crash. To ensure that this is the case, you probably will want to use the rio_* functions, and the Connection class you implemented for the clients. Some (non-exhaustive) examples of bad things the clients may do that should not crash your server include:

If a message cannot be parsed, could not be carried out, or is not a valid message, you must send an err message to the client with a descriptive payload. If a sender tries to send a message or leave a room while it is not in a room, you must also return err with a suitable payload. This should not stop the server, nor disconnect the client. Otherwise, you must send an ok message with suitable payload. Failure to send a response to a client operating in synchronous mode at any time is a severe bug that will cause most tests to fail.

All client data should be cleaned up as soon as the server detects that the client connection has died. You may assume that any transmission error indicates that a client has died. It is okay if receivers are not cleaned up until the next broadcast is sent to a room for ease of implementation.

Since your server has no way of shutting down, you may ignore the “in-use at exit” portion of valgrind. You should still fix any leaks (sections marked “definitely lost”), invalid reads, invalid writes, and invalid conditional jumps

Implementation tips

Start early! There are quite a few things you will need to consider in order to receive full credit. We recommend that you start by implementing the logic that waits for new client connections and spawns client threads to handle them. If you are struggling with synchronization, we recommend that you start with a basic implementation without any synchronization, which might help you identify critical sections.

We recommend that you use detached threads. This means that you will not have to join them back to the primary thread, and that you do not have to save the pthread_treturned from pthread_create(). There are two safe ways to do this. This first is to initialize a pthread_attr_t struct with the correct flags using pthread_attr_setdetachedstate(), and pass this into the relevant argument for pthread_create(). The second is to call pthread_detach(pthread_self()) from the child thread. Under no circumstances should you attempt to detach the thread using a call in the creating thread, after the child is created, as that will cause a data race.

Don’t forget to initialize your synchronization primitives before use. For pthread_mutex_ts this is pthread_mutex_init(). For semaphores, this is sem_init(). Use of synchronization primitives before they are initialized is undefined behaviour and will break your code. You should also destroy your synchronization primitives when you release their associated resources. Failure to call the destruction functions may result in leaked memory.

Do not attempt to share stack-allocated data between threads. This is undefined behaviour and generally causes severe bugs. Instead, ensure that any data that must be accessed between threads is part of a heap-allocation.

We also recommend using scope to your advantage. RAII resources such as the provided Guard type prevent mistakes like forgetting to release resources, and defining variables to the narrowest scopes they require dramatically reduces the clast radius of any bugs that do arise. Aim to fail fast and early if invalid states are encountered.

If the server appears to become unresponsive for a long period of time it has probably deadlocked, and you will need to examine your synchronization. If a server doesn’t bind a socket on a given port, try another one, as the port you are trying to bind may be already taken (e.g. by another student on your ugrad machine).


We have provided the testing methods below to help you ensure that your program is working correctly. We highly recommend against using the autograder as your primary testing solution. The autograder is designed to be robust and thorough, and intentionally does not provide test feedback to you. Instead, we recommend that you use local testing techniques so you can use tools like debuggers and print statements to help debug.

Manual Testing

To test this program, you may follow the instructions in the MS1 Testing section, replacing the invocations of your client with reference/ref-[client]. Netcat testing will probably also be a good idea so you can figure out exactly what your server is sending.

For example, to test a server implementation against netcat, you could open three terminal windows. In the first, you would run ./server [port], in the second you would run nc localhost [port] and send a rlogin message, in the third you would run nc localhost [port] and send a slogin message. Then you would follow the flow diagrams to send messages from your netcat “clients”, verifying the server responses that appear. If everything works in manual netcat testing, you would move onto testing with our reference binaries using a similar approach, before trying the automated test scripts posted below.

Here is a capture of an example testing session:

Automated Testing

Here are some automated tests you can try:

Don’t forget to make these scripts executable using chmod u+x [script name]!

test_sequential.sh runs two senders, one after the other, and is invoked using:

./test_sequential.sh [port] [first_sender_input_file] [second_sender_input_file]

test_interleaved.sh runs two senders, alternating between them for each line of the input file. I can be invoked as follows:

./test_interleaved.sh [port] [unified input file] [output_stem]

test_concurrent.sh does its best to break your server’s synchronization by spawning all sorts of clients that try send data as fast as possible while simultaneously switching rooms and disconnecting. It can be invoked as follows:

./test_concurrent.sh [port] [iterations] [settling time]

[output_stem] will set the file that contains the receiver output after each run. [output_stem].out contains the output of the receiver, and [output_stem].err contains the receiver errors. For the sequential and concurrent tests, we always expect the first user to be bob and the second user to be alice, and errors for their respective senders will be found in [user].err. Please keep this in mind as you write additional tests.

While we highly recommend you write your own test cases, we have provided the following tests inputs as examples:

You can run the reference sequential test using the following command:

./test_sequential.sh [port] seq_send_1.in seq_send_2.in seq_recv

and you should get nothing in seq_recv.err, bob.err, alice.err, and the following output in seq_recv.out:

alice: Hello everyone
alice: I am trying to purchase the cookies
alice: Please give me your headcount and the number of cookies you want
bob: Hi Alice
bob: This is Bob.
bob: I want a chocolate peanut cookie with walnuts.
bob: Thanks!

and you should ensure that your server does not print anything to stdout.

You can run the reference interleaved test using the following command:

./test_interleaved.sh [port] test_inter.in inter_recv

and you should get nothing in inter_recv.err, bob.err, alice.err, and the following output in inter_recv.out:

alice: This is a message from alice
bob: And this is a message from bob
alice: each alternating line of messages...
bob: will be send by a different client...
alice: this test ensures that clients are served in order
bob: and that one client may not monopolize the entire transmission

and you should ensure that the server does not print anything to stdout.

Some good parameters to start the concurrency test with are 10000 iterations and 30 seconds of settling time. If the test succeeds, you should see Tests passed successfully!. Increasing the number of iterations will increase the likelihood of detecting a race condition. If the test ends with Failed to verify* try increasing the settling time. If increasing the settling time to over one minute does not allow the test to pass, you probably have a race. However, do note that having this test pass does not guarantee that your code is sync-safe.

You should run the concurrency test last, after you get all other functionality working. The concurrency test will exercise all parts of your server while it tries to cause race conditions.

Note that the server can be run under valgrind by setting the VALGRIND_ENABLE environment variable to 1. For example, if you want to run the sequential test with valgrind, the command would be run using VALGRIND_ENABLE=1 ./test_sequential.sh .... Remember that you may ignore the reports for “indirectly lost”, “possibly lost”, and “in use at exit”, and any leaks caused by pthread_* functions, but must fix everything else.


In the reference directory of the project skeleton, you will find executables called ref-server, ref-sender, and ref-receiver. As the names suggest, these are the reference implementations of the server, sender, and receiver. Your server, sender, and receiver executables should be functionally equivalent.

Here is a suggested test scenario. You will need three terminal sessions.

In terminal number 1, run the server (user input in bold):

$ ./ref-server 47374

You can use any port number 1024 or above instead of 47374.

In terminal number 2, run the receiver (user input in bold):

$ ./ref-receiver localhost 47374 alice cafe

Make sure you use the same port that you used in the server command.

In terminal number 3, run the sender (user input in bold):

$ ./ref-sender localhost 47374 bob
/join cafe
hey everybody!

In terminal number 2 (where the receiver is running, you should see the following output):

bob: hey everybody!

Note that while the ref-sender program will terminate when the /quit command is executed, the ref-server and ref-receiver programs will need to be terminated using Control-C.


You can use the solution.zip target in the provided Makefile to create a zipfile you can submit to Gradescope:

make solution.zip

Upload your solution.zip as Assignment 5 MS1 or Assignment 5 MS2, depending on which milestone you are submitting.

Make sure your Milestone 2 submission includes your README.txt describing your approach to thread synchronization in the server.