601.229 (S20): Midterm exam review questions — solutions

Update 3/8: a correction has been made to the answer for performance optimization part (b)

Update 3/9: corrected explanations of the answers to performance optimization parts (a) and (b)

Binary data representation, integer arithmetic

Assume that:

(a) Consider the following C code:

uint8_t a = 61,
        b = 129,
        c = 253;
int8_t  x = 42,
        y = -1,
        z = -126;

Write the binary representations of a, b, c, x, y, and z.


Value Binary representation
a 00111101
b 10000001
c 11111101
x 00101010
y 11111111
z 10000010

(b) What is the output of the following C code? Justify your answers briefly.

uint8_t a = 129, b = 137;
int8_t x = 123, y = 7;

uint8_t c = a + b;
int8_t z = x + y;
printf("%u\n", c);
printf("%d\n", z);


printf("%u\n", c);  // prints 10 because (129+137) mod 256 is 10
printf("%d\n", z);  // prints -126 (repeatedly adding 1 to 123 would yield
                    // 124, 125, 126, 127, -128 (overflow), -127, -126)

(c) Consider the following C function:

int8_t negate(int8_t x) {
  return -x;

Complete the following C function so that it behaves identically to the negate function, in the sense that when it is given an 8 bit binary value, it will return an 8 bit value with the same bit pattern as what would be returned from the negate function shown above. You may not use type casts, but you may use bitwise operations and arithmetic for uint8_t values. Hint: ~ is the bitwise complement operator (which will invert the bits of the value to which it is applied).

uint8_t negate_u(uint8_t x) {
  // add your code here


uint8_t negate_u(uint8_t x) {
  return ~x + 1;    // two's complement negation can be accomplished by
                    // inverting all bits, then adding 1

(d) Complete the following C function so that it returns 1 if the addition of a and b would overflow, and 0 otherwise.

int overflow32(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {


int overflow32(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
  return (a + b) < a;


Things to know about x86-64 code:

Selected registers and 8 bit sub-registers:

Register 8 bit sub-register
%rax %al (same pattern for %rbx, %rcx, %rdx)
%rdi %dil
%rsi %sil
%r8 %r8b (same pattern for %r9%r15)

Note that assigning to the 8 bit sub-register does not clear the other bits of the larger register.

(a) Complete the following x86-64 assembly language function called strLen, which returns the length of the NUL-terminated string constant passed as its parameter (excluding the NUL terminator character). In C, this function would have the following declaration:

long strLen(const char *s);

Here are example assertions specifying its behavior:

ASSERT(0L == strLen(""));
ASSERT(5L == strLen("hello"));
ASSERT(12L == strLen("hello, world"));

Fill in your code here:

	.section .text

	.globl strLen
	/* your code here... */


	.globl strLen
	subq $8, %rsp                 /* align stack */
	movq $0, %rax                 /* use %rax to count characters */

	cmpb $0, (%rdi)               /* reached NUL terminator? */
	je .LstrlenLoopDone           /* if so, we're done */
	incq %rax                     /* add to count */
	incq %rdi                     /* advance pointer */
	jmp .LstrlenLoopTop           /* continue loop */

	addq $8, %rsp                 /* restore stack */
	ret                           /* return value is in %rax */

(b) Complete the following x86-64 assembly language function called makePositive, which takes two parameters: a, which is a pointer to the first element of an array of 64 bit signed integers, and n, which indicates how many elements the array has. The function should modify all of the negative elements of the array so that they become positive. (You can ignore the situation where an array element might have the value -263, which can’t be negated.)

In C, this function would have the following declaration:

void makePositive(long *a, long n);

Here are example assertions specifying its behavior:

long myArr[] = { 4, -9, 9, 7, -1 };

makePositive(myArr, 5);

ASSERT(4L == myArr[0]);
ASSERT(9L == myArr[1]);
ASSERT(9L == myArr[2]);
ASSERT(7L == myArr[3]);
ASSERT(1L == myArr[4]);

Fill in your code here:

	.section .text

	.globl makePositive
	/* your code here... */


	.globl makePositive
	pushq %r12                    /* preserve value of %r12 */
	movq $0, %r12                 /* use %r12 as index variable */

	cmpq %rsi, %r12               /* see if %r12 is less than n */
	jge .LmakePosLoopDone         /* if not, done */

	movq (%rdi,%r12,8), %r11      /* load current element into %r11 */
	cmpq $0, %r11                 /* is current element less than 0? */
	jge .LmakePosIncrIndex        /* if not, incr. index and continue */
	movq $0, %r10                 /* put 0 in %r10 */
	subq %r11, %r10               /* subtract element value from 0 */
	movq %r10, (%rdi,%r12,8)      /* store negated value in array */

	incq %r12                     /* increment index */
	jmp .LmakePosLoopTop          /* continue loop */

	popq %r12                     /* restore value of %r12 */

(c) The following code is intended to compute the sum of its two parameters and then print the sum. Briefly explain the errors that exist in this code, and how to fix them. (Note that there could be multiple errors!)

	.section .rodata
sResultMsg: .string "Sum is %ld\n"

	.section .text

	.globl printSum
	movq %rdi, %r12               /* copy first parameter to %r12 */
	addq %rsi, %r12               /* add in value of second parameter */
	movq $sResultMsg, %rdi        /* pass format string to printf */
	movq %r12, %rsi               /* pass sum as second parameter */
	call printf                   /* print the sum */
	ret                           /* return from the function */


There are two issues:

Fixed version:

	.globl printSum
	pushq %r12                    /* preserve %r12 and align stack */
	movq %rdi, %r12               /* copy first parameter to %r12 */
	addq %rsi, %r12               /* add in value of second parameter */
	movq $sResultMsg, %rdi        /* pass format string to printf */
	movq %r12, %rsi               /* pass sum as second parameter */
	call printf                   /* print the sum */
	popq %r12                     /* restore %r12 and restore stack */
	ret                           /* return from the function */

Performance optimization

Assume that a superscalar x86-64 CPU has three integer multipliers with a latency of 3 cycles. You may assume that the integer multipliers are fully pipelined.

(a) When the code below is executed, how many cycles are required for the result in the %r12 to be computed? Explain briefly.

imulq %rdi, %rsi
imulq %rsi, %r10
imulq %r10, %r11
imulq %r11, %r12


Let’s label each instruction A–D:

imulq %rdi, %rsi    /* A */
imulq %rsi, %r10    /* B */
imulq %r10, %r11    /* C */
imulq %r11, %r12    /* D */

There are data dependences in this sequence which require the instructions to be executed sequentially. For example, instruction B requires the result of instruction A as a source operand. So, even though there are three integer multipliers which could be used independently, no parallelism is possible. (We’re assuming that data dependences cannot be satisfied early via forwarding.)

Time:      0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12
Stage 1  | A        B        C        D
Stage 2  |    A        B        C        D
Stage 3  |       A        B        C        D

A total of 12 cycles is required.

(b) Show a series of operations that computes the final product in %r12 more quickly. You may use additional registers if needed. Justify your answer briefly, indicating how many cycles are required.


We can exploit the fact that integer multiplication is commutative to utilize the available functional units somewhat more fully. For example:

imulq %rdi, %rsi    /* A */
imulq %r10, %r11    /* B */
imulq %rsi, %r12    /* C */
imulq %r11, %r12    /* D */

Timing analysis:

Time:      0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 11 12
Stage 1  | AB       C        D
Stage 2  |    AB       C        D
Stage 3  |       AB       C        D

The revised sequence executes in 9 cycles. Note that instructions A and B can execute in parallel (utilizing two multipliers in parallel), but because of the data dependence of instruction C on instruction A, C can’t start executing until A finishes.

Memory hierarchy

See Question 2 from the Fall 2016 final exam.


See the Fall 2016 final exam solutions.