Participation credit

This page has some additional information about how participation credit works in CSF.

How to earn participation credit

If you participate in at least one clicker poll on a class day, you will receive full credit for participation on that day.

Make sure that your iClicker device is set to the correct frequency code. We will be using the default code of “AA” unless this conflicts with another class (which is highly unlikely.) Your iClicker remote will either display or blink its frequency code when you power it on.

Does it matter whether I answer the clicker question correctly?

To earn participation credit, you only need to participate, so you receive credit regardless of whether your response is correct or incorrect. However, peer instruction is a learning activity, and you should strive to figure each question out with the students in your peer group.

Checking if your iClicker is working

In general, your iClicker remote will let you know whether your poll response was registered correctly. Feel free to see me if you would like me to confirm that your iClicker is working. You can also email me if you would like to know which days you have participated on.


You will receive full credit for participation for the course if you participate on at least N - 6 days, where N is the number of days on which there is at least one clicker quiz. N is usually 33. So, you are permitted to miss 6 days of participation without penalty. This policy is intended to allow you to miss class occasionally due to illness or similar reasons.

If you have an accommodation from Student Disability Services which excuses you from attendance, I will take that into account.

If you are traveling for an athletic event, conference, or similar, email me and (within reason) I can excuse you from participation on the days you will miss.