EN.601.229: Computer System Fundamentals

Assignment 5: Key/Value Store

Note: Assignment 5 is a double assignment. Each milestone (MS1 and MS2) is worth 1/6 of the assignments grade for the course, the same as (individually) Assignments 1–4.


  • Milestone 1 due Friday, 19 July by 11:59pm
  • Milestone 2 due Wednesday, 24 July by 11:59pm (Note: at most 48 late hours may be used)

This is a very substantial two-part assignment! While it doesn’t involve writing huge amounts of code, you will need to think carefully about what you are doing. We strongly recommend that you get started early, ask questions early, and leave plenty of time for testing and debugging.

Grading Criteria

Note that Milestone 1 and Milestone 2 are both out of 100% since each one is weighted as a full assignment.

Milestone 1:

  • Message and MessageSerialization functionality: 25%
  • Table functionality: 20%
  • ValueStack functionality: 5%
  • Client program functionality (get_value, set_value, incr_value): 40%
  • Design and coding style: 10%

Milestone 2:

  • Server program functionality (auto-commit mode, error handling): 60%
  • Server program functionality (explicit transactions): 20%
  • Report on synchronization: 10%
  • Design and coding style: 10%

Getting Started

Download csf_assign05.zip and unzip it.

To build all of the programs (unit test, clients, and server):

make depend
make -j

Suggested Approach

For Milestone 1:

  1. Get all of the unit tests in unit_tests.cpp to pass. This will involve implementing classes and functions in
    • message.h, message.cpp
    • message_serialization.h, message_serialization.cpp
    • table.h, table.cpp
    • value_stack.h, value_stack.cpp
  2. Implement the client programs (get_value.cpp, set_value.cpp, and incr_value.cpp.) You can test them against the reference server implementation included in the starter code (ref_server.) You can also compare their behavior to the reference implementations of the client programs (ref_get_value, ref_set_value, ref_incr_value.)

In completing item 1, you will build the functionality you need to represent, encode, and decode messages (requests and responses), and also you will have the underlying table and operand stack functionality needed for the server in Milestone 2.

For Milestone 2:

  1. Modify server.cpp and server.h so that the server can create a server socket, listen for incoming connections, and create a ClientConnection object, start a client thread for each client connection, and within the client thread, invoke the chat_with_client() member function on the object to carry out the communication with the client.
  2. Initially, focus on getting “auto-commit” to work. Each client request will access (at most) a single table, and the client connection thread should hold the table’s lock only for the duration of handling one request.
  3. Finally, implement transactions. This will be the most challenging part of this milestone!


In this assignment, you will implement client programs and a server program for an in-memory key/value store slightly reminiscent of Redis.


The central concept in the key/value store is the table. The server maintains some number of tables, each of which has a name. A table is a collection of tuples. Each tuple consists of a key and a value. The key and the value in a tuple are both strings. Two tuples in a table are not allowed to have the same key (i.e., keys are unique within a table.) Each key in a table must be an identifier, meaning that there is a restriction on what strings are considered valid keys. Each value in a table must be a sequence of non-whitespace characters.

If you are thinking “a table sounds like a map of string to string”, that is precisely the right idea, and we recommend implementing tables using STL map objects.

Here is an example a table called “Fruit”:


Committing and Rolling Back Changes

Rather than making direct changes to a table, a client proposes changes to the table. Such proposed changes are “tentative”. For example, let’s say that a client makes the following changes to the “Fruit” table shown previously:

  1. Change the value of “Lemons” to 5
  2. Add a tuple “Avocados,13”

The table is now in the following state:

Lemons12 5

The tentative (proposed) changes are shown using strikeout (for overwritten values) and italics (for added or modified keys or values.)

After proposing changes to a table, the client either commits the changes or rolls them back. Committing the changes means that the proposed changes become part of the “official” contents of the table. Committing the proposed changes shown above would result in the state of the “Fruit” table looking like this:


Rolling back changes mean abandoning the proposed changes and reverting the table to its previous contents:


Network Protocol

Clients communicate with the server using a simple line-oriented network protocol. Each message is encoded as a single line of text terminated with a newline (\n) character.

A message consists of a command followed by zero or more arguments. Tokens (command and argument) are separated by one or more space ( ) characters. (Exception: a quoted_text argument can have spaces within the argument.)

The following table summarizes the messages.

LOGIN usernameRequestClient logs in
CREATE tableRequestAsk server to create named table
PUSH valueRequestPush a value onto the operand stack
POPRequestPop (discard) the top value from the operand stack
TOPRequestRetrieve the top value from the operand stack
SET table keyRequestSet value of tuple named by key in table
to the value popped from the operand stack
GET table keyRequestPush value of tuple named by key in table
onto the operand stack
ADDRequestPop two integers from operand stack,
add them, push sum
MULRequestPop two integers from operand stack,
add them, push product
SUBRequestPop right and left integers from operand
stack, subtract right from left, push difference
DIVRequestPop right and left integers from operand
stack, divide left by right, push quotient
BEGINRequestClient begins a transaction
COMMITRequestClient commits a transaction
BYERequestClient logs out (end of connection)
OKResponseRequest was carried out
FAILED quoted_textResponseRequest wasn’t carried out, but connection continues
(recoverable error)
ERROR quoted_textResponseRequest wasn’t carried out, and connection finishes
(fatal error)
DATA valueResponseResponse to the TOP command; value is the value
at the top of the operand stack

Request messages are sent from a client to the server, and Response messages are sent from the server back to a client (to respond to a request.)

The arguments username, table, and key are all identifiers. An identifier must begin with a letter (a-z or A-Z), and the rest of the identifier must consist of letters, underscores (_), and/or digits (0-9).

A value argument is a sequence of 1 or more non-whitespace characters.

A quoted_text argument begins with ", is followed by zero or more non-" characters, and ends with a ".

Some examples of arguments (as they would appear in an encoded message):

usernamealice, bob, Cornelius, little_dorit
tableFruit, invoices, line_items
keyApples, foo_bar
value90125, invoice1824
quoted_text"No such table", "Could not acquire lock"

The maximum number of characters in an encoded message, including the terminating newline character, is 1024. This limit is represented by the Message::MAX_ENCODED_LEN constant.

Message Sequencing

A message sent by the client is a request.

A client sends a series of requests to the server. The first message sent by the client must be a LOGIN message. The last message (assuming that the client voluntarily chooses to end the conversation with the server) should be the BYE message.

The server sends a single response message after processing each client request message. The following table summarizes the meaning of the response:

OKSuccess: the server carried out the request
FAILEDThe operation requested by the client failed, but the session can continue
ERRORThe operation requested by the client failed or was invalid, and the session has ended
DATASuccess: the specified value is the value at the top of the operand stack

For most operations, OK is the expected response.

The TOP request is the only one for which the DATA response is the expected one. A TOP request allows the client to get the data value at the top of the operand stack.

A FAILED response means that the server wasn’t able to carry out the request, but the session can continue (i.e., the client can send additional requests.) A FAILED response is sent back if, as part of processing the request, an OperationException or FailedTransaction exception is thrown. (See the Exceptions section.)

An ERROR response means that the server wasn’t able to carry out the request, and the session has ended. The client should close the connect if it receives this response. An ERROR response is sent if, as part of processing the request, an InvalidMessage exception is thrown. So, the ERROR response is only used when the client’s request is invalid or not properly formed.

The Operand Stack

When a client connects to the server, the server creates an operand stack for the client. The operand values are strings corresponding to the value operand type (see the Network Protocol section.)

The PUSH and GET requests, if successful, push a single value onto the client’s operand stack.

The ADD, MUL, SUB, and DIV requests, if successful, pop two operands from the client’s operand stack, and push a single result value onto the operand stack.

The POP request, if successful, pops the top value from the client’s operand stack.

The TOP request, if successful, allows the client to receive (via a DATA response) the top value on the operand stack. Note that TOP does not modify the operand stack in any way.

The purpose of the operand stack is to allow a client to execute a series of operations that updated values in a table. For example, the following series of requests would attempt to increase the numeric value of the “Apples” key of the “Fruit” table by 10:

GET Fruit Apples
SET Fruit Apples


A transaction allows a series of operations to be bundled into a unit which either succeeds or fails as a whole. For example, consider the example of incrementing the value of a single tuple by 1:

GET Fruit Apples
SET Fruit Apples

If two clients attempt this sequence of operations concurrently, it is not guaranteed that the value of the tuple will increase by 2. For example, let’s say the initial value of the “Apples” tuple is 13. The following interleaving in the processing of requests from the two clients might occur:

Client 1                 Client 2                 Explanation

GET Fruit Apples                                  Client 1 gets the value 13, pushes it
                         GET Fruit Apples         Client 2 gets the value 13, pushes it
PUSH 1                                            Client 1 pushes 1
ADD                                               Pop 1, pop 13, push sum 14
SET Fruit Apples                                  Client 1 sets the value 14
                         PUSH 1                   Client 2 pushes 1
                         ADD                      Pop 1, pop 13, push sum 14
                         SET Fruit Apples         Client 2 sets the value 14

Assuming each request is handled separately, and that the SET operations are executed using auto commit (more about this later), then this sequence of operations would result in the value of the “Apples” tuple in the “Fruit” table being incremented by only 1 (i.e., final value of 14 rather than 15.)

The BEGIN and COMMIT requests begin and end a transaction (respectively.) For example, the following series of requests would attempt to increment a single value using a transaction:

GET Fruit Apples
SET Fruit Apples

Note that just because a client attempts a transaction doesn’t guarantee that the transaction will succeed. Any operation attempted within a transaction could result in a FAILED response, which indicates that the transaction has failed, and the server implicitly rolls back any proposed modifications to tables made by operations attempted within the transaction.

If the COMMIT request succeeds (i.e., the server responds with an OK message), then the transaction has succeeded, and proposed changes to tables made within the transaction have been successfully committed.

Implementation and Testing

This section discusses important implementation details, and covers how you should test your code to make sure it works correcty.

Unit Tests

The unit test program tests the Message, Table, and ValueStack classes, as well as the encode and decode functions in the MessageSerialization namespace.

The unit tests are the primary functional specification for these classes and functions. They also serve as an example of how your client and server programs can use these classes and functions for network communication and processing client requests.

To compile and run the unit test program:

make unit_tests

If all of the unit tests pass, congratulations, you are ready to work on the clients and server.

Message, MessageSerialization

The Message class represents a single message (either a request or a response.) It has helper functions to access the message’s arguments (key, table, value, etc.), and to check whether or not the contents of the message are valid, meaning that they conform to the requirements specified above in the Network Protocol section.

The functions MessageSerialization::encode and MessageSerialization::decode convert between Message objects and the “encoded” form of a message as a string of characters. The encode function converts from Message to string, and the decode function converts from string to Message. These will be very helpful when implementing the actual network communication in the clients and server!

Note that encode and decode should throw an InvalidMessage exception in the following situations:

  • In encode, if the resulting encoded message exceeds the maximum message length
  • In decode, if the source encoded message exceeds the maximum message length
  • In decode, if the source encoded message isn’t terminated by a newline (\n) character
  • In decode, if the resulting Message object isn’t valid (i.e., if its is_valid() member function returns false)


A ValueStack object represents a stack of string values. When a client connects to the server, the server will use a ValueStack object to handle operations that push values to and/or pop values from the client’s operand stack.

The member functions of ValueStack should be fairly self-explanatory. There are unit tests for testing the behavior of these member functions.

Note that the get_top() and pop() member functions should throw OperationException if they are called when the stack is empty.

get_value Client

The get_value client retrieves the value of one key and, if the value is successfully retrieved, prints it out as a single line of text and exits with exit code 0.

Its invocation syntax is

./get_value hostname port username table key

Example run:

$ ./get_value localhost 5000 alice fruit apples

Your implementation should use open_clientfd to open a TCP connection to the server, then send LOGIN, GET, and TOP messages to log in and attempt to retrieve the value associated with the key. It should also send a BYE message to politely terminate the connection.

If the value is retrieved successfully, it should be printed out on a single line of text. Make sure the line is terminated by a newline (\n) character.

If the client can’t connect, if any communication errors occur, or if the server responds to any of the request messages with an ERROR or FAILED response, the client should print (to std::cerr) a message of the form

Error: message text

and then exit with a non-zero exit code.

If the server responded to any request with an ERROR or FAILED response, message text should be the contents of the quoted text argument the server sent back. Otherwise, any descriptive text is fine.

set_value Client

The set_value client sets the value associated with a specific key.

Its invocation syntax is

./set_value hostname port username table key value

Example run (user input in bold):

$ ./set_value localhost 5000 alice fruit apples 67

As with the get_value client, use open_clientfd to create a TCP connection to the server. It should then send LOGIN, PUSH, and SET messages to set the value associated with the key to the specified value, and then use BYE to politely terminate the connection.

If set_value is successful, it should exit with an exit code of 0 without printing any output.

The error handling requirements are the same as for get_value.

incr_value Client

The incr_value client attempts to increase the numeric integer value associated with a specific key by 1.

This client has an optional first argument, -t, which specifies that attempting to increment the value associated with the key should be done in a transaction.

Its invocation syntax is

./incr_value hostname port username table key
./incr_value -t hostname port username table key

Example run:

$ ./incr_value localhost 5000 alice fruit apples

Like the other clients, incr_value should use open_clientfd to create a TCP connection to the server.

A typical sequence of messages to increment a value would be GET, PUSH, ADD, and SET. Surrounding these operations with BEGIN and COMMIT would attempt to execute them as a transaction.

The client should send BYE to politely terminate the connection (if no errors occur prior to that point.)

If incr_value is successful, it should exit with an exit code of 0 without printing any output.

The error handling requirements are the same as for get_value.

The Server

The server listens for connection requests from clients, and creates a thread for each accepted client.

The server is responsible for creating and managing tables on behalf of the clients. It is also responsible for using appropriate synchronization when the data of a table is accessed and/or modified. The general rule is that if the server reads from or writes to a table, it needs to be holding that table’s lock. Each Table object should have a mutex (pthread_mutex_t) to serve as its lock.

When the server reads a request from a client and processes the request, it will do so in either autocommit mode or transaction mode. Autocommit mode is the default (i.e., each client starts out in autocommit mode.)

When in autocommit mode, the server uses a blocking call to pthread_mutex_lock to lock the table accessed by the request (if there is one.) When it finishes handling the request, it uses pthread_mutex_unlock to unlock the accessed table (if there is one.) This has the effect of making each individual request an atomic operation. However, it does mean that a series of operations, such as GET/PUSH/SET to increment the value of a tuple, aren’t atomic.

When in transaction mode (started by a BEGIN request from the client), the server will use pthread_mutex_trylock to (attempt to) lock any table accessed within the transaction. The essential thing to understand is this: if any call to pthread_mutex_trylock in a transaction is unsuccessful, the transaction has failed, and the server must roll back any modifications made to tables touched by the transaction, as well as release any successfully-acquired locks. This implies that the server must keep track of which Table objects are currently locked, in order to know which must be unlocked at the end of the transaction. If a transaction succeeds (when the client sends a COMMIT request), the server commits the modifications to any modified tables, and releases the locks on all locked tables.

Note that in addition to the possibility of a transaction failing because the server fails to acquire a lock on a table used by the transaction, another reason a transaction could fail is if any request in the transaction cuases an OperationException.

When a transaction ends, either by failing or succeeding, the connection returns to the default auto-commit mode.

The reason that transactions must use pthread_mutex_trylock rather than pthread_mutex_lock to lock tables is to avoid deadlocks. The problem is that when many clients are attempting to perform transactions, they may access (and need to lock) tables in different orders. When multiple tasks attempt to lock multiple resources in an inconsistent order, deadlocks are possible.

Having transactions fail when a lock can’t be immediately acquired is a very simple strategy for avoiding deadlock, and the cost of requiring the client to explicitly retry the transaction.

Note that there is no worry about deadlock for clients in autocommit mode. For those clients, they are only ever waiting for, acquiring, and releasing one lock at a time. A deadlock situation always involves multiple locks.

The Table class has member functions lock, unlock, and trylock. These should call pthread_mutex_lock, pthread_mutex_unlock, and pthread_mutex_trylock (respectively) on the table’s internal mutex. The trylock member function returns bool in order to let the caller know whether or not the table’s lock was successfully acquired. (All of the discussion above about locking operations should be read as meaning that the server code calls these member functions on a Table object.)

Note that nested transactions are not allowed. If a BEGIN request is received at a point where a transaction is already underway, the server should fail the current transaction.

Handling Exceptions in the Server

In general, any time your server code encounters a runtime error that means it can’t continue normally, it should throw an exception. Four exception types are provided:

Exception TypePurpose
InvalidMessageA received message was invalid (does not conform to the specification in the Network Protocol or Message Sequencing sections, or the protocol was violated (e.g., the client sent a response message rather than a request message)
CommExceptionAn I/O operation failed
OperationExceptionA request couldn’t be processed because of missing or invalid data, e.g., TOP request when the stack is empty, ADD request when the top two values aren’t both integers, etc.
FailedTransactionA table used within a transaction couldn’t be locked immediately (because another client has the lock), or client attempted to start a nested transaction

In general, InvalidMessage and CommException represent unrecoverable errors (the conversation with the client must end), while OperationException and FailedTransaction represent recoverable errors (the conversation with the client should continue.)

You should find that exceptions make it very straightforward to deal with runtime errors. If you consistently throw an exception to indicate a runtime error, all of the code that follows the place where the exception is thrown can assume that the exception didn’t get thrown, i.e., the runtime error the exception signifies didn’t occur.

There is one hugely important consideration for handling exceptions in the server: you must ensure that all table locks are released in a timely manner, including when exceptions occur.

You will most likely want ClientConnection to keep track of which tables have been locked by the current transaction. That way, when the transaction ends (either succeeding or failing), you can unlock all tables that were locked by the transaction. Keeping track of which tables are locked is also important to avoid attempting to acquire a lock on a table that has already been locked. Once a transaction has locked a particular table, it doesn’t need to lock that table again in the same transaction.

You will need to think carefully about how to handle exceptions. The “recoverable” exceptions (OperationException and FailedTransaction) should not end the conversation with the client, while the “unrecoverable” exceptions (CommException and InvalidMessage) should end the conversation with the client. As noted above, any time a transaction fails, all updates to tables must be rolled back, and all locks held on tables must be released. The catch blocks you use to handle exceptions thrown in the course of communicating with the client (in the ClientConnection class) are a good place to put the failed transaction recovery code.

Manual Testing of Clients

One way to “manually” test client programs is to run the nc (netcat) program using the -l option to “pretend” to be a server. Then, you can execute one of your client programs against it. Messages sent by the client will appear in the terminal window in which you’re running netcat. Any lines you type in the server terminal window will be send as a message back to the client program.

For example, let’s say you run netcat in one terminal window:

nc -l 5001

Then you could run get_value in another terminal window:

./get_value localhost 5001 alice fruit apples

Here’s what the server terminal window might look like in order to communicate with the client. (Response messages typed into this terminal window are shown in bold):

LOGIN alice
GET fruit apples

Having netcat pretend to be a server is an excellent way to see how your client program is behaving.

You can also test your client program against the reference server implementation. E.g., you could run the reference server in its own terminal window:

./ref_server 5002

Then have a client program connect to it from a different terminal window:

./get_value localhost 5002 alice fruit apples

When you run the reference server, you will need to create at least one table before your client programs will be able to do anything interesting. You can use netcat for this. For example, assuming the server is listening for connections on port 5003 (user input in bold):

$ nc localhost 5003
LOGIN alice
CREATE fruit

The example above would create a table named “fruit”, allowing you to get, set, and increment values in that table using your clients.

The following screencast video walks through how to test the clients using the reference server and netcat:


Automated Testing of Clients

You can do some automated testing of your incr_value client program as follows.

  1. Download ms1_concurrency_tests.zip into your working directory, e.g., by running the command
    curl -O https://jhucsf.github.io/summer2024/assign/ms1_concurrency_tests.zip
  2. Unzip the zipfile:
    unzip ms1_concurrency_tests.zip
  3. Make the scripts and supervise program executable:
    chmod a+x supervise incr_value_concurrent.sh incr_value_worker.sh ref_client.rb
  4. Make sure your incr_value client is up to date:
    make depend
    make incr_value

Once you’ve done the above steps, run the test script using one of the following two invocations:

./supervise ./incr_value_concurrent.sh PORT
./supervise ./incr_value_concurrent.sh -t PORT

Replace PORT with a port number, e.g., “5000”.

The first invocation runs incr_value without transactions (autocommit mode), and the second invocation runs incr_value with transactions.

If the last line of output printed by the script is “Success!”, then your incr_value client worked as expected.

This test script is the same one that the MS1 autograder uses for the two incr_value concurrency tests.

Server Implementation (in Milestone 2)

In Milestone 2, your main task is to implement the server program. (Reminder: the Suggested Approach section has our recommendations on how to approach this milestone.)

In the Server::server_loop member function, you should add a loop to wait for incoming connections using the accept system call, and for each accepted connection, create a ClientConnection object to encapsulate the new connection, and start a thread which will call the Server::client_worker static member function, which in turn will call the ClientConnection object’s chat_with_client member function.

The chat_with_client member function should implement a loop in which each iteration reads a request message from the client, processes the request, and sends a response to the client.

If a client sends an invalid message to the server, the server should send back an ERROR response.

If an error occurs communicating with the client (e.g., an error occurs reading from the client socket), the server should terminate the connection and end the client connection thread. It’s a good idea to have the server print an error message for diagnostic purposes, but this is not required.

Note that client threads should be detached, since the main thread won’t call pthread_join to wait for them to complete. When a client thread’s start function executes, it can call pthread_detach to detach itself:

pthread_detach( pthread_self() );

The starter code didn’t include this call in the suggestion for the client_worker function, so you should add it yourself.


In addition to the synchronization required to access and modify data in a table (as described in The Server section), you will also need to implement synchronization to manage the creation of and access to Table objects. The Server object should maintain a collection of Table objects created in response to CREATE messages. Because multiple client threads will be using this collection, accesses to the collection will need to be synchronized.

Manual Testing of the Server

Initially, you will want to test your server “manually” using netcat.

First, start your server in one terminal window:

./server port

Any port number 1024 or above may be used. Note that if the port you specify is currently in use, open_listenfd will return an error result, and the server should print an error message and exit. If this occurs, just choose a different port.

In a second terminal window, run netcat to connect to your server:

nc localhost port

At this point, lines that you type (as input to the nc program) will be sent to the server as request messages, and any responses the server sends back will appear as lines of text.

You may find it helpful to run a netcat client against the reference server so that you can get a better sense of how your server is expected to respond to requests.

One challenge of implementing the server is that it is not particularly “observable”, so it can be hard to know what it is doing or not doing. It can be very helpful for the server to print diagnostic messages to indicate what it is doing. When the server is not behaving the way you expect, these diagnostic messages can help you determine where it is going wrong.

Automated Testing of the Server

The zipfile ms2_tests.zip has some automated server functionality tests.

To use it:

  1. Download it:
    curl -O https://jhucsf.github.io/summer2024/assign/ms2_tests.zip
  2. Unzip it:
    unzip ms2_tests.zip
  3. Make the scripts, supervise program, and ref_incr_value programs executable:
    chmod a+x scripts/*.sh scripts/*.rb supervise ref_incr_value
  4. Make sure your server executable is up to date:
    make depend
    make server

The following invocations run the test scripts:

./supervise ./scripts/server_get_set_multi_interleaved.sh PORT
./supervise ./scripts/server_concurrency_increment_notrans.sh PORT
./supervise ./scripts/server_concurrency_increment_trans.sh PORT
./supervise ./scripts/server_concurrency_trans_multiple_tables.sh PORT

Replace PORT with a port number, e.g., “5000”.

Synchronization Report

For Milestone 2, your README.txt should explain your approach to synchronization. In particular:

  • What data structures needed to be synchronized, and why?
  • How did you synchronize the data structures requiring synchronization?
  • Why are you confident that the server is free of race conditions and deadlocks?


Edit the README.txt file to summarize each team member’s contributions and (for Milestone 2) to add the report on how you approached synchronization in the server program.

You can create a zipfile of your solution using the command make solution.zip.

Submit your zipfile to Gradescope as Assignment 5 MS1 or Assignment 5 MS2, depending on which milestone you are submitting.

Note that there should be only one submission for your group. Make sure that all group members are added to the submission.