Due: Tuesday, April 13th by 11pm
Assignment type: Pair (you may work with one partner, or do the assignment individually)
In this assignment, you will develop a calculator program that accepts connections from clients over the Internet.
Get started by downloading csf_assign05.zip.
Goals of the assignment
The main goal of the assignment is to provide an opportunity to create a network-based application.
Although this will be a relatively simple program, it is representative of a larger class of network-enabled systems:
- It will have a protocol for communication between clients and server
- It will allow communication over a network (specifically, by accepting TCP connections from clients)
- It will enable access to data stored on the server (in the form of values of variables which persist between communication sessions)
Grading criteria
- Calculator functionality: 40%
- Basic network server functionality: 35%
- Variables persist between sessions: 5%
- Packaging: 10%
- Coding style and design: 10%
Make sure you follow the style guidelines.
The calcInteractive
and calcServer
programs should execute without memory errors or memory leaks. Memory errors such as invalid reads or write, or uses of uninitialized memory, will result in a deduction of up to 10 points. Memory leaks will result in a deduction of up to 5 points.
Part 1: Calculator implementation
Important: Part 1 of the homework is purely local computation, with no I/O required (other than in a provided demo program.) You will need to complete it as a basis for Part 2. So, get started on it right away!
For Part 1, you will need to implement the following functions:
struct Calc *calc_create(void);
void calc_destroy(struct Calc *calc);
int calc_eval(struct Calc *calc, const char *expr, int *result);
The calc_create
function creates an instance of the struct Calc
data type and returns a pointer to it.
The calc_destroy
function destroys an instance of the struct Calc
data type, by deallocating its memory.
The calc_eval
function evaluates an expression stored as a C character string in expr
, saving the result of evaluating the expression in the variable pointed to by result
. If the evaluation succeeds, calc_eval
should return 1. If the evaluation fails because expr
is invalid, calc_eval
should return 0.
The types of invalid expressions that should be detected are:
- Invalid syntax (the form of the expression isn’t valid)
- Undefined variable (a variable was used, but it wasn’t previously assigned a value)
- Attempt to divide by 0
Your calculator implementation should do operations exclusively using the int
data type.
The following kinds of expressions should be supported:
- operand
- operand op operand
- var = operand
- var = operand op operand
An operand is either a literal integer or a variable name. A variable name (var) is a sequence of one or more alphabetic characters (A
or a
An op is one of the following operators: +
(addition), -
(subtraction), *
(multiplication), /
Space characters should be ignored. Your calculator should assume that all tokens (operands, operators, and =
) will be separated by at least one space character. So, for example,
a + 4
is a valid expression, but
is not a valid expression.
A struct Calc
object should have a dictionary mapping variable names to their values. The =
operation assigns a value to a variable, creating an entry in the dictionary if one didn’t exist previously. When a variable name is used as an operand in an expression, the value of the variable should be looked up in the dictionary.
You can implement your struct Calc
data type in either C or C++. If you use C++, you can add member functions to struct Calc
. (There is essentially no difference between class
and struct
types in C++.) An example C++ implementation might look something like this:
struct Calc {
// fields
// public member functions
int evalExpr(const std::string &expr, int &result);
// private member functions
Important: do not define the actual struct Calc
data type in calc.h
; it should be defined only in the implementation module (calc.cpp
or calc.c
). struct Calc
is an opaque data type, meaning that no implementation details are exposed to code using the type.
If you use C++, make sure that your calc_
functions have extern "C"
linkage, so that they can be called from C code. For example, you might define them as follows:
extern "C" struct Calc *calc_create(void) {
return new Calc();
extern "C" void calc_destroy(struct Calc *calc) {
delete calc;
extern "C" int calc_eval(struct Calc *calc, const char *expr, int *result) {
return calc->evalExpr(expr, *result);
These example functions (which you are welcome to use) work by creating a Calc
object and using an evalExpr
member function to perform expression evaluation.
Important: your calc_eval
function should tolerate line ending characters (\r
and/or \n
) at the end of the expression string.
Unit tests
The calcTest
program contains a fairly complete set of unit tests for the calc_
functions. You can build and run it using the commands
make calcTest
If the tests succeed, you should see the following output:
All tests passed!
Interactive tests
The calcInteractive
program allows the user to interactively enter expressions (one per line). Each expression is evaluated and the result printed. Expressions that are invalid result in the error message Error
. Entering the command quit
causes the calculator to exit.
Compile and run calcInteractive
using the following commands:
make calcInteractive
Example transcript (user input in bold):
1 + 1
a = 1 + 1
a * 5
a = a + 7
b = a / 3
4 / 0
+ 4
Calculator implementation hints
If you implement your calculator in C++ you could use the following function to break an input expression into tokens:
std::vector<std::string> tokenize(const std::string &expr) {
std::vector<std::string> vec;
std::stringstream s(expr);
std::string tok;
while (s >> tok) {
return vec;
Part 2: Calculator server
The second part of your task is to implement a calculator server that listens for client TCP connections, reads a sequence of expressions, and evaluates each expression.
You should implement your calculator server in calcServer.c
. The program should
take a single command line argument, which specifies a TCP port. The server
program should listen for incoming connections on the specified port, and then
communicate with the client in the same way that the calcInteractive
does. You can (and should!) adapt the chat_with_client
function to use
in your server implementation. Note that in addition to recognizing the special
command (which should cause the server to end the session with the
currently-connected client), the server chat_with_client
function should
also recognize a shutdown
command, which causes the server process to exit.
Note that the server should use a single instance of struct Calc
for all
client connections. That means that if a variable is assigned a value by
one session, the variable will have the same value in a subsequent session.
This sharing of variables between sessions will be important for the next assignment!
Note that there is no expectation that the server will support concurrent connections: it is only expected to handle one client at a time. This is a limitation you will address in the next assignment.
Running and testing the server
Build the server program with the command
make calcServer
Here is an example of how the server program should be run:
./calcServer 47374
The command-line argument to calcServer
is the TCP port on which the server
should listen for connections from clients. You will need to choose a
TCP port number that is 1024 or greater (ports 0–1023 require superuser
To connect to the server, use the telnet
program. For example, to
connect to a calcServer
listening on port 47374, use the command
telnet localhost 47374
The telnet
program will allow you to interact with the server program,
more or less exactly the same way you interacted with the calcInteractive
program in the terminal. Here is a transcript showing interaction with
the server program in two separate sessions (user input in bold):
$ telnet localhost 47374
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
2 + 3
a = 42
Connection closed by foreign host.
$ telnet localhost 47374
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
a + 1
Connection closed by foreign host.
A couple things to note about this example:
- The value of the variable
was assigned in the first session, and used in the second session - The
command in the second session, in addition to closing the client session, also shut down the server process
Also note that you will probably want to have two terminals running, one to run the server and one to run telnet
Automated testing of your calculator implementation
You can use the test_server.sh
script to implement automated tests for your server implementation as follows.
Create a text file containing lines to send to the server:
echo "a = 2" > test_input.txt
echo "b = 3" >> test_input.txt
echo "a + b" >> test_input.txt
echo "quit" >> test_input.txt
Run the automated test:
./test_server.sh 30000 test_input.txt actual_output.txt
The output file should contain the responses generated by your server:
$ cat actual_output.txt
You should assume that there will be autograder tests that will test test_server.sh
to test your server, so make sure this works. Also note that as written, test_server.sh
initiates only one connection to your server. Your server should, in general, handle multiple connections from clients (in sequence.) You may wish to create modified versions of test_server.sh
which test multiple connections.
Server implementation techniques
Using the functions defined in csapp.h
and csapp.c
will make adding network support significantly easier. These functions are described in the textbook, and are generally useful for Unix systems programming.
The Open_listenfd
function can be used to open a server socket, which is a special file descriptor that the server will use to listen for connections from clients.
The Accept
function (which is simply a wrapper for the accept
system call) causes the server to wait for a client connection request. It returns a client socket file descriptor, which the server can use to communicate with the client process. You can pass the second and third arguments of Accept
, since they are used only to allow the server to determine the client’s network address.
The client socket file descriptor is bidirectional, meaning it can be written to (to send data to the client) and also read from (to receive data from the client.) The chat_with_client
function from calcInteractive.c
can be reused more or less verbatim in the server program: the only change you’ll need to make is adding support for the shutdown
The server’s main
function should have a loop in which is repeatedly waits for client connections and uses chat_with_client
to communicate with each accepted client. The main loop should terminate (and the server program should exit) when a client issues the shutdown
Make sure that when the server is done communicating with the client, it closes the client socket file descriptor (otherwise the connection will stay open!)
Submit a zipfile containing your complete project. Include a README
describing the contributions of each team member. The recommended
way to create the solution zipfile is to run the command make solution.zip
. This
will create a file called solution.zip
with all of the required
files. Important: all of the files in the zipfile must be
at the top level, not a subdirectory. For example, if your
zipfile is called solution.zip
and you run the command unzip -l solution.zip
to list its contents, you should see something like the following output:
Archive: solution.zip
Length Date Time Name
--------- ---------- ----- ----
1600 2021-04-07 08:03 calcInteractive.c
2155 2021-04-07 08:03 calcServer.c
3054 2021-04-07 08:03 calcTest.c
24164 2021-04-07 08:03 csapp.c
3948 2021-04-07 08:03 tctest.c
4528 2021-04-07 08:03 calc.cpp
604 2021-04-07 08:03 calc.h
6621 2021-04-07 08:03 csapp.h
3959 2021-04-07 08:03 tctest.h
1477 2021-04-07 08:05 Makefile
526 2021-04-07 08:04 README
--------- -------
52636 11 files
Make sure that the Makefile
you submit can build calcTest
, calcInteractive
and calcServer
targets. Note that it is very likely that the autograder will
replace calcTest.c
with a customized version containing some additional tests.
We highly recommend that you don’t modify the Makefile
in the project skeleton
code, other than setting appropriate dependencies for for calc.o
to whether you implemented the calculator functionality in C or C++.
Upload your zipfile to Gradescope as Assignment 5. Make sure to include your name and email address in every file you turn in (well, in every file for which it makes sense to do so anyway!)