601.229 (S21): Assignments


This page lists the programming assignments for the course.

Some advice about the programming assignments:

Individual assignments must be completed individually.

For Pair assignments, you may work with one partner, or do the assignment individually.

Please read the style guidelines so that you know what our coding style expectations are.

Assignment Type Due
Assignment 1: Arbitrary-precision arithmetic Pair MS1: due Tuesday, Feb 2nd by 11pm
MS2: due Tuesday, Feb 9th by 11pm
Assignment 2: Postfix calculator Pair MS1: due Thursday, Feb 18th by 11pm
MS2: due Thursday, Feb 25th by 11pm
MS3: due Thursday, Mar 4th by 11pm
Assignment 3: Cache simulator Pair MS1: due Wednesday, Mar 10th by 11pm
MS2: due Friday, Mar 19th by 11pm
MS3: due Wednesday, Mar 24th by 11pm
Assignment 4: Image processing with plugins Pair Tuesday, April 6th by 11pm
Assignment 5: Network calculator Pair Tuesday, April 13th by 11pm
Assignment 6: Multithreaded network calculator Pair MS1: due Wednesday, Apr 21st by 11pm
MS2: due Wednesday, Apr 28th by 11pm