Due dates:
- Milestone 1 due Wednesday, April 21st by 11pm (at most 24 late hours may be used)
- Milestone 2 due Wednesday, April 28th by 11pm (at most 48 late hours may be used)
Assignment type: Pair (you may work with one partner, or do the assignment individually)
In this assignment you will make your calcServer
program from Assignment 5
multithreaded, so it can handle connections from multiple clients simultaneously.
Get started by making a copy of your code for Assignment 5 in a new directory. You will
modify both calcServer.c
and either calc.cpp
or calc.c
(depending on
whether you used C++ or C to implement the calculator functionality.)
Goals of the assignment
The goals of the assignment are:
- Use threads to handle concurrent client connections
- Use synchronization to allow multiple threads to access shared data
Grading rubric
Your grade will be determined as follows:
Milestone 1:
compiles, code to handle client connections in threads has been started: 10%
Note that at most 24 late hours may be used for Milestone 1.
Milestone 2:
- Autograder tests of concurrent client connections: 65%
, manual review of synchronization: 15%- Design and coding style: 10%
There is also an extra credit option: if you can make your calcServer
program shut down cleanly after receiving a shutdown
command from
a client, exiting only after all client connections have finished, you will
receive an extra 2 points. Please note that we will only consider your
submission for the extra credit if it implements the base functionality
Note that at most 48 late hours may be used for Milestone 2.
Milestone 1 tasks
For Milestone 1, your code must compile, and there must be a substantial
start on handling client connections using threads. We will expect to see
a reasonable thread start function, and a new thread using this start function
should be started for each accepted connection. We will also expect to see
a struct
data type encapsulating the data needed for a client connection.
A dynamically-allocated instance of this type should be passed to the
thread start function as its argument. At a minimum, this object should
contain the client socket file descriptor and a pointer to the shared
struct Calc
Your code doesn’t need to be fully working, but it must compile and have the elements described above.
Milestone 2 tasks
Your main tasks for Milestone 2 are (1) to use multiple threads to handle client connections (fully working), and (2) to use synchronization to protect shared data so that expression evaluations are atomic.
Using threads for client connections
In general, it makes sense for server applications to handle connections from multiple clients simultaneously. Threads are a useful mechanism for handling multiple client connections because they allow the code which communicates with each client to execute concurrently.
In your main server loop, create a thread for each accepted client connection.
Use pthread_create
to create the client threads. You can let the client
threads be detached (i.e., by having them call pthread_detach
with their
own thread id.) You do not need to place any upper limit on the number of
threads that can be active simultaneously (although in practice that’s a
good idea.)
You can test that your server can handle multiple client sessions simultaneously
by running 2 (or more) telnet
sessions connecting to the server.
Note that as with the server from Assignment 5, all connections should share
a common struct Calc
instance. This means that a variable set by one client
is visible to other clients, and in fact, can be considered a simple form
of communication between clients.
The following screen capture shows two instances of telnet connecting to the
same calcServer
(using GNU Screen
as a split-screen terminal):
Using synchronization to protect shared data
Any time two thread access shared data, such that one or both threads might modify the shared data, synchronization is typically necessary to ensure the integrity of the shared data. In addition, synchronization is sometimes necessary to ensure that the desired semantics of accesses to shared data is assured.
Add synchronization to your struct Calc
data type so that it is guaranteed
that updates to calculator variables are atomic. For example, if multiple
clients execute the update a = a + 1
some arbitrary number of times,
then assuming that the initial value of a
was 0, the final value of a
should be exactly equal to the number of times a = a + 1
was executed.
Another way of describing the synchronization requirements is that for any
variable update of the form lhs = rhs
where lhs
is the variable being updated, and rhs
is an expression computing the value to assign to lhs
you must guarantee that any variable or variables accessed in rhs
will not be modified while the execution of the overall assignment is in progress.
From a practical standpoint, you should add either a mutex or semaphore
or sem_t
) field to your struct Calc
data type, and then add
critical section(s) where needed to ensure that the synchronization
requirements are met. Very important: the critical section(s) should be
in the struct Calc
functions (in calc.c
or calc.cpp
), and not in calcServer.c
Important requirement: In your README
file, briefly describe
how you made the calculator instance’s shared data safe to access from multiple
threads. Indicate what kind of synchronization object you used, and how
you determined which regions of code were critical sections.
Clean shutdown (extra credit!)
You can ignore this section if you’re not planning to try the extra credit, although what’s described here is useful stuff to think about if you’re interested in systems and network programming.
One difficulty in implementing a multithreaded server is how to allow it to shut down cleanly.
For calcServer
, the problem is that when one client sends a shutdown
command, there could be other threads still running, and shutting down
the server would interrupt these connections.
For up to 2 points extra credit, you can implement the shutdown
command such that the server will exit
- after a
command has been received from any client - only after all currently-connected clients have finished
In addition, once a shutdown
command has been received, calcServer
should not accept any further client connections.
Shutting down cleanly is fairly challenging. Here are some rough ideas that might be useful:
- Use a semaphore to keep track of the number of client threads (this will also allow you to limit the maximum number of simultanous client connections, which is good!)
- Use the
system calls to do a timed wait for incoming client connections, rather than doing a blocking call toaccept
- Use a
global variable to keep track of whether any client has requested a shutdown: loading and storing the value of a volatile global variable does not constitute a data race if, in its lifetime, the variable only transitions from one value to one other value (e.g., it’s initially false, but some thread sets it to true at a later time)
The reason that calls to accept
need to be nonblocking is because if the
server is stuck waiting for an incoming client connection, it might not
be aware that one of its currently-connected clients has requested a
shutdown. By using a timed wait, the server can “wake up” periodically
in order to check the global shutdown variable.
Here are some automated tests you can try.
Download the following files into the directory containing your calcServer
- test_server_concurrent1.sh
- test_server_concurrent2.sh
- test_server_concurrent_stress.sh
- test_input.txt
- conc_test_input1.txt
- conc_test_input2.txt
You can download the above files from a terminal by running the following commands:
curl -O https://jhucsf.github.io/spring2021/assign/assign06/test_server_concurrent1.sh
curl -O https://jhucsf.github.io/spring2021/assign/assign06/test_server_concurrent2.sh
curl -O https://jhucsf.github.io/spring2021/assign/assign06/test_server_concurrent_stress.sh
curl -O https://jhucsf.github.io/spring2021/assign/assign06/test_input.txt
curl -O https://jhucsf.github.io/spring2021/assign/assign06/conc_test_input1.txt
curl -O https://jhucsf.github.io/spring2021/assign/assign06/conc_test_input2.txt
Make the scripts executable:
chmod a+x test_server_concurrent1.sh
chmod a+x test_server_concurrent2.sh
chmod a+x test_server_concurrent_stress.sh
First test: run the following commands:
./test_server_concurrent1.sh 30000 test_input.txt actual1.txt
cat actual1.txt
The output of the cat
command should be:
This test tests that a long-running client does not prevent the server from handling an additional client connection.
Second test: run the following commands:
./test_server_concurrent2.sh 30000 conc_test_input1.txt actual1.txt conc_test_input2.txt actual2.txt
cat actual1.txt
cat actual2.txt
The output of the first cat
command should be:
The output of the second cat
command should be:
This test tests that two client sessions can interact with each other through commands accessing a shared variable.
Third test: run the following commands:
./test_server_concurrent_stress.sh 30000
cat final_count.txt
The file final_count.txt
must contain the value 400000. Any value less than 400000 means
that expression evaluation is not atomic, so the thread synchronization does not meet
the requirements.
You should not need to make any changes to your Makefile
To submit your work, run the command
make solution.zip
As you did with Assignment 5, make sure that your solution.zip
contains a README
file (in addition to the other required files.)
Upload solution.zip
to Gradescope as Assignment 6.